DUT Health Science Courses

DUT Health Science Courses

  • Biomedical Technology BTech
  • Biomedical Technology NDip
  • Child & Youth Development BTech
  • Child & Youth Development NDip
  • Chiropractic NDip, BTech, MTech
  • Clinical Technology BTech
  • Clinical Technology NDip
  • Dental Assisting NCert
  • Dental Technology BTech
  • Dental Technology NDip
  • Emergency Medical Care BHSc
  • Environmental Health BTech
  • Environmental Health NDip
  • Homoeopathy BTech
  • Homoeopathy NDip
  • Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics BHS
  • Nursing (Nursing Management) BTech
  • Nursing (Primary Health Care) BTech
  • Nursing Science BTech
  • Nursing: Occupational Health Nursing BTech
  • Radiography: Diagnostic / Nuclear Medicine / Therapy / Ultrasound NDip
  • Radiography: Diagnostic, Nuclear Medicine, Therapy, Ultrasound BTech
  • Somatology BTech
  • Somatology NDip
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