2024/2025 University of South Africa Online Application Form

University of South Africa Online Application Form

2024/2025 University of South Africa Online Application Form ; Everyone planning to start a new qualification must apply for admission.

University of South Africa (UNISA) Application 2024/2025 : To apply to University of South Africa , you need the documents below :
1) A certified copy of the green bar coded ID
2) Proof of payment of any relevant application fees
3) Certified copy of grade 11 results and any latest grade 12 results

For a full list of tips to remember before you apply, read here. Applicants must check individual further requirements for each course and each tertiary institution. Please also be aware of NBTs and check with your university if you need NBT results to apply. For more information on NBT’s click here.

FYI: South Africans learners wishing to apply online will need a working email address and an ID number. Foreign learners wishing to apply will need to have their passport number.

University of South Africa Application 2018

What does the selection process entail?

  • At the heart of the selection process is a calculation of your individual points score, which takes into account your final Grade 12 marks and other key factors such as the school you attended, and your gender, socio-economic group, race, and so on.
  • Before submitting an application, please check whether you meet the statutory and college specific admission requirements for your chosen qualification(s).
  • It is important to note that you will not automatically be accepted to study through Unisa in 2024 even if you meet the statutory and college specific admission requirements for your qualification(s) of choice. Students will be accommodated on the basis of the number of places available for each qualification.
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The application process

  • You may apply for a maximum of two qualifications, ranked in order of preference (although you may only register for one should both of your qualifications be successful).
  • Unisa will inform you of the outcome of your application. If successful, Unisa will indicate for which qualification you have been accepted and will offer you a space for the period for which you have applied (ie either semester 1 or semester 2).
  • You must accept or decline Unisa’s offer within the prescribed period of time.
  • If you accept Unisa’s offer, you must register for the period for which you have been granted admission (ie semester 1 or semester 2). Should you not register for the relevant semester of study, you will need to re-apply for admission during the next application period.

Who must apply?

  • Everyone wanting to start a new qualification must apply for admission. This includes first-time Unisa applicants and Unisa students changing to a new qualification.
  • Everyone completing a Higher Certificate or Alternative Pathway / Extended Programme must apply for admission to the follow-on qualification.
  • You must re-apply for admission if you previously applied for admission and received feedback, but did not register for any reason.
  • Everyone planning to enrol for classes at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college under the Unisa-TVET agreement must apply for admission.

Please note: You must re-apply for admission if you previously applied for admission and were offered a space, but did not accept the offer and / or did not register for any reason.