BSc Information and Knowledge Systems UP

BSc Information and Knowledge Systems UP

Course description:

This exciting programme is the first of its kind in South Africa, and integrates, in a four-year programme, the different disciplines related to Information Technology (IT).
Many people have a desire to be professionally prepared for a career in the IT-industry, more than becoming an expert in a particular discipline. The School therefore designed the programme with the explicit aim of ensuring that students have a grounding in all aspects deemed to be a necessary part of the background of the IT-professional. The fourth and final year thus includes a six months’ learnership with participating organisations, where students will be employed as trainees.
Due to its nature, the curriculum is tightly prescribed, with relatively few options open to students. This ensures that the group of BIT students have a coherent team spirit, and a shared ideal and vision. The curriculum is also not for the faint hearted, and prerequisites are correspondingly higher than for most of the other programmes in the School. Upon successful completion, the BIT graduate can continue with the part-time MIT programme and round off his or her professional training.
Course Includes
Business Management, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, English, Programming and Advanced Programming, Systems Development, Philosophy, Financial Accounting, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Databases, Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Information Organization and Retrieval, Computer Architecture, Software Engineering, Multimedia, etc.

See also  Francistown College of Technical and Vocational Education Courses

BSc Information and Knowledge Systems UP

What does the course entail?

The course prepares the student to understand the use of IT in organisations. In particular, skills are developed to programme on both a small and a large scale, and to design and implement IT-solutions for organisations in a professional manner. They learn about the use of information in organisations, and how to organise and retrieve information optimally. Sound communication skills and general problem-solving skills are developed throughout the course. This is underpinned by language and quantitative mathematical studies, and the development of penetrating thinking abilities through courses in Philosophy. The final-year learnership introduces the student to the world of work, and ensures his or her smooth transition to a professional work-life after graduation.

BSc Information and Knowledge Systems UP

What can I do after completing this course?

The goal of the degree is to prepare a well-rounded information technologist who has a knowledge and understanding of:

  • theory and practice of programming and software engineering;
  • theory and practice concerning the adoption and the use of information systems in business organisations;
  • aspects concerning collecting, retrieving, organising, managing and using information;
  • philosophy, language and mathematics.


Degree APS Group A Group B
Two languages Mathematics Life Orientation Three other subjects
B Information Technology 30 Comply with NSC minimum requirements; ADDITIONALLY one of these languages must be Afrikaans OR English at level 5 (60-69%). 5 (60-69%) 4 (50-59%)
(Excluded when calculating the APS)
Any three sub