MEng Technology Management

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MEng Technology Management

Programme Information

  • Unless the Dean, on recommendation of the relevant head of department, decides otherwise, the master’s degree is conferred on the basis of a dissertation (including an examination on the dissertation).
  • A minimum of 180 credits is required to obtain the MEng degree.

Admission Requirements

Subject to the stipulations of the General Regulations, Reg. G.1.3 and G.54, a BEngHons degree or equivalent qualification is required for admission to the MEng programmes.

Examinations and pass requirements

The stipulations of the relevant Faculty regulations are applicable.
The Dean may, on recommendation of the relevant head of department, exempt a student from the examination on the dissertation.
The average mark awarded by all the examiners is the final mark, with the pass mark being at least 50%.

Research Information

A student must by means of a dissertation prove that he or she is capable of planning, instituting and executing a scientific investigation. Unless the Senate, on the recommendation of the supervisor, decides otherwise, a student, before or on submission of a dissertation, must submit proof issued by a recognised academic journal that an article was submitted, to the Head: Student Administration. The draft article should be based on the research that the student has conducted for the dissertation and be approved by the supervisor if the supervisor is not a co-author. The supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that the paper is taken through all the processes of revision and resubmission, as may be necessary. Conferment of the degree may be made subject to compliance with the stipulations of this regulation.

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Undergraduate applications and admissions:
Ms Jenny van Rooyen
012 4205166
Ms Samantha Adams
012 4202450
Undergraduate and Honours:
Ms E Willemse
012 4202724
School of Information Technology
Ms P Ngwenya
012 4204186
School for the Built Environment
Mr R Mashiloane
012 4203656
School of Engineering
Ms MPM Motlhamme
012 4205299
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Ms L Rix
012 4206625
Mechanical Engineering
Ms N Potgieter
012 4202987
Industrial and Metallurgical Engineering
Ms TMM Motsei
012 4206520
Chemical and Mining Engineering
Mr MJ Makhasa
012 4202142
Civil Engineering
Mr K Nkanyana
012 4206735
Honours and Honours applications
Ms SL Mgiba
012 4205316
Masters and Doctoral:
School of Information Technology
Civil Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Ms Dawn Taljaard
012 4204095
Graduate School of Technology Management
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Mr Refentse Ramatong
012 4203011
Chemical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Enineering
Mining Engineering
Construction Economics
Town and Regional Planning
Ms Stefanie Steenberg
012 4205315