MIT Information Systems

MIT Information Systems

Admission Requirements

Subject to the stipulations of G Regulations G.1.3 and G.54, an appropriate honours degree is a requirement for admission.
The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the G  Regulations or the Faculty-specific regulations.
A candidate may be refused admission to a master’s degree by the Chairperson of the School of Information Technology if he or she does not comply with the standard of competence in the subject as determined by the department – with the proviso that a candidate, who does not comply with the required level of competence, may be admitted, provided that he or she completes additional study assignments and/or examinations.
The Chairperson of the School of Information Technology may set additional admission requirements.
Specific departments have specific requirements for admission which will be published in the Postgraduate Brochure of the Faculty.
The number of students will be determined in line with the growth strategy of the University of Pretoria as approved by the Executive.
The Dean reserves the right to place meritorious candidates to improve the diversity profile of students.

Other programme-specific information

The Dean may, on the recommendation of the Postgraduate Committee, cancel the registration of a student during any academic year if his/her academic progress is not satisfactory.
The degree programme must be completed within four years after the first registration for the degree, provided that the Dean may, in exceptional cases, and on the recommendation of the Head of Department concerned, approve a fixed limited extension of the period of study.
See also  Port Elizabeth College Courses Info

Research Information

A dissertation must be submitted on a field of study as approved by the Department.


Undergraduate applications and admissions:
Ms Jenny van Rooyen
012 4205166
Ms Samantha Adams
012 4202450
Undergraduate and Honours:
Ms E Willemse
012 4202724
School of Information Technology
Ms P Ngwenya
012 4204186
School for the Built Environment
Mr R Mashiloane
012 4203656
School of Engineering
Ms MPM Motlhamme
012 4205299
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Ms L Rix
012 4206625
Mechanical Engineering
Ms N Potgieter
012 4202987
Industrial and Metallurgical Engineering
Ms TMM Motsei
012 4206520
Chemical and Mining Engineering
Mr MJ Makhasa
012 4202142
Civil Engineering
Mr K Nkanyana
012 4206735
Honours and Honours applications
Ms SL Mgiba
012 4205316
Masters and Doctoral:
School of Information Technology
Civil Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Ms Dawn Taljaard
012 4204095
Graduate School of Technology Management
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Mr Refentse Ramatong
012 4203011
Chemical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Enineering
Mining Engineering
Construction Economics
Town and Regional Planning
Ms Stefanie Steenberg
012 4205315