University of South Africa Brochures 2024

University of South Africa Brochures 2024


You can find and download the Unisa Brochure for here: Unisa Prospectus

Or you can visit their website and follow these instructions to explore the course options.

1. Visit Unisa’s home page here: Unisa. You will see a page that looks like this:












2. Next, you will need to select the admissions tab, and choose the Apply for Admissions option from the drop down menu:

Unisa Courses











3. Now you need to choose what kind of course you want to study, for this example, we will use the undergraduate option. Click on the option you want to select and then you will get to a page that looks like this. Choose the start the process option.

Unisa Courses










4. Now choose the option that relates to you, for this example, we will say yes.











5. Now choose the option that relates to you, for this example, we will say yes.


Unisa Courses









6. Now you will get to a page that will help you choose your qualification. Then you will be able to choose a course based on either a college, a qualification, or choose a field of interest and explore your options.


7. Once you have decided on a course you can apply for admission. Find out more about how to check the status of your application here: Unisa application status.

See also  University of South Africa Medical School