University of South Africa Medical School

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University of South Africa Medical School

Health Studies

Welcome to the Department of Health Studies

In 1975, the Department of Nursing Science, now the Department of Health Studies, was established under the leadership of Professor Charlotte Searle. The aim was to meet the need of thousands of nurses for post-registration distance education at University level. The Department intended to provide access to education, to many nurses who could not meet the costs of traditional university education, or cope with the difficulties of attending a residential university. During the past 30 years, distance education for nurses and other health professionals developed into strengthening the health professions. Today it is a WHO Collaborating Centre. It provides a powerful means of education and development of the health professions in general, and nursing in particular. The University of South Africa is a sub-chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.

Healthcare problems within Africa demand concerted efforts in re-evaluation of systems and methods for effective education of health professionals. Acceptance of changing philosophies and methods of providing health care is essential. So is the concentration on appropriate research. The Department of Health Studies is prepared for the challenge of equiping its students with research skills and expertise to assist in reaching global health needs.


Undergraduate qualifications

  • Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science Health Services Management and Education (0216X – HHS)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science Health Services Management, Education and Community Health (0216X – HSM)

Postgraduate Diploma

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (98574)

Master’s and doctoral qualifications

  • Master of Public Health (Full Dissertation) (90010)
  • Master of Arts in Nursing Science (Full Dissertation) (99502)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (90029)

Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery

The journal publishes articles on current nursing and health related issues, and encourages those that exhibit innovative and quantitative research methods and approaches. It promotes debate, both theoretical and practical, on a wide range of topics and cross-disciplinary interests.

Editorial information:

  • Editor: Prof TR Mavundla – University of South Africa
  • Publisher: University of South Africa (Unisa Press)

Contact details:
AJNM Secretary: Ms KMM Mothudi
Tel: +27 (0) 12 429-6303
Fax: +27 (0) 12 429 6688

Registration and Submission of Manuscripts:

Contact us

Departmental secretary:
Ms NM Monyae
Tel: + 27(0)12 429 6338(W)
Fax: + 27(0)12 429 6688(W)


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