University of South Africa 2024/2025 Prospectus

 (Unisa Brochure 2024/2025)

University of South Africa Prospectus 2024/2025

Unisa Propectus 2024/2025 – The University of South Africa ( Unisa ) have released Prospectus for all prospective students.

The Prospectus contains all the information a prospective student will need to become a formal student of the University of South Africa.

To Download the Prospectus, Click on link Below


UNISA Propectus 2024/2025

Unisa Brochure 2024/2025 

UNISA online application

Do you know the dates in when you can apply to study at UNISA? The next application dates are:

Undergraduate qualifications:
Semester 1: closed
Semester 2: 3 – 28 April

Postgraduate diplomas & honours, master’s & doctoral degrees:
Closed for

Now that you know when you can apply we are going to talk you through the quickest and easiest say to apply to UNISA. The answer is very simply; use Unisa’s online application system as it Check the next application dates for is simple and easy to use.

Before you can start registering for your degree with UNISA, you need to apply to the actual university. This happens before the registration and when you actively begin to study. Applications are accepted in April and August (so it’s best to register early). Check the next application dates.

When you are ready to apply go to this page: Apply for admission. select which type of course you want to do, and then select “start the process”.

See also  Unisa how to Register

Before you start make sure that you have gone through this checklist to make sure you have everything in order when you apply.

Unisa application checklist

  • I have chosen my Unisa qualification
  • I have checked that I meet the detailed admission requirements for my qualification of choice
  • I have applied online, at a regional office or via post
  • I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)
  • I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my official tertiary academic record (if applicable)
  • I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my ID document (RSA students) or passport (foreign students)
  • I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my marriage certificate or divorce decree (if applicable)
  • I have uploaded/submitted sworn translations of my documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans
  • I have submitted/submitted my application with the supporting documentation before the closing date for applications
  • I will pay the application fee within 5 days of being informed of my reference number

UNISA opening times

Official Saturdays open: 21 and 28 January , 8 July .
Self-help centres are open from 08:00 to 15:30 week days and from 08:00 to 11:30 on Saturdays.
Unisa officially closes at 12:00 on 23 December 2024 and re-opens on Monday 3 January .

Online registration dates for :  honours degrees and postgraduate diplomas

  Registrations open Registrations close Contact details
Honours and postgraduate diploma registrations 03-Jan-17 10-March-17 Honours administration
CAS postgraduate diplomas 03-Jan-17 30-Jan-17 Postgraduate Diploma administration

Quick Search links On Unisa Prospectus

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See also  University of South Africa Distance Learning