Walter Sisulu University Civil Engineering

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Walter Sisulu University Civil Engineering

The departmen of civil engineering also encourages students and staff to become members of the various
professional and institutional bodies. While studying towards the diploma qualification, students
are encouraged to join various institutions and professional bodies. More information is available
from the Head of Department. Students are encouraged to visit the ECSA and SAICE websites for
more information. The process of professional development of an engineering technician starts
with the attainment of a qualification that meets this standard. After graduation a programme
of training and experience is completed to attain the competencies for professional registration.
Career Opportunities
What can a diplomate do in this career?
In general, diplomates can work in the following branches of civil engineering:
Planning and design, Construction, Project Management and Maintenance of facilities and
Specialization fields in civil engineering include positions in:
Hydraulics/water resources engineering
Irrigation/drainage engineering
Municipal engineering
Geotechnical/soil/geological engineering
Water systems/pipeline engineering
Waste and wastewater treatment engineering
Structural engineering
Transportation engineering
Project Management
Who will employ a diplomate?
Consulting firms in private practice; construction companies; government (national departments,
provincial departments and local authorities); private and parastatal organizations; research
organizations; tertiary education institutions.
Purpose of the Qualification
The purpose of the National Diploma: Engineering: Civil is to train technicians who will meet the
criteria for registration as a professional technician by the Engineering Council of South Africa
(ECSA), and who will display competence as part of the engineering team in the execution of
technical tasks under remote supervision by using and applying their knowledge in independent
judgement in the identification and solution of complex civil engineering problems. This
qualification is intended for technician level employment in industry within the range of planning,
design, construction and maintenance of Civil Engineering operations. Diplomats achieving
this qualification should, after initial supervision, be able to apply engineering principles,
techniques and instruments to systematically diagnose and solve well-defined Civil Engineering
problems, perform procedural design functions of limited context, be able to use appropriate
terminology, style and structure to communicate effectively with superiors and subordinates,
apply management concepts to projects and operations and exhibit an awareness of ethics,
professionalism, safety and consideration of the social and natural environment.


Exit Level Outcomes of the Programme
The programme’s exit level outcomes are aimed at providing graduates with the following
attributes, skills, and competencies:
Ability to apply Civil Engineering principles to systematically diagnose and solve well-
defined Civil Engineering problems.
Demonstrate the application of knowledge and the requisite skills in a Civil Engineering
• Perform procedural design of well-defined elements/components to meet desired needs
within applicable standards, codes of practice and legislation.
Communicate technical, supervisory and general management information effectively, both
orally and in writing, using appropriate language, structure, style and graphical support.
Acquire knowledge of self-management principles and concepts for managing projects
and/or operations within the Civil Engineering environment, within the range: Maintenance,
Operation, Development, Safety, Quality Assurance, and Environmental.
The graduate achieving this qualification should therefore be able to:
• Perform procedural design of well-defined elements/components to meet desired needs
within applicable standards, codes of practice and legislation.
Follow developments in Civil Engineering and critique the status of current knowledge.
• Apply the knowledge gained to new, well-defined, situations, both concrete and abstract,
in the workplace/community.
Gather evidence from primary sources and journals using appropriate retrieval skills, and
organise, synthesise and present the information professionally in a mode appropriate to
the audience.
Use basic methods of enquiry in a Civil Engineering environment to contribute to a project.
Demonstrate the capacity to explore and exploit educational, entrepreneurial, and career
opportunities, and to develop him/her professionally, including the ability to proceed to the
BTech level.
Make independent decisions taking into account the relevant technical, economic, social,
safety and environmental factors.
Work independently, as a member of a team and as a supervisor.
Relate Civil Engineering activities to environmental, safety, cultural and economic
Critical Cross-Field Outcomes
This qualification promotes, in particular, the following Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:
In the problem solving process, the learner is expected to be both creative and critical.
Working effectively with others as a member of a group, organization and community, e.g.
demonstrate effectiveness in:
individual work and the ability to function in a team situation.
communication, including receiving advice from supervisors.
Self management by organizing and managing oneself and one’s activities responsibly and
Collecting, analyzing, organizing and critically evaluating information.
Communicating effectively using visual, mathematical and / or language skills in the modes
of oral and / or written persuasion when presenting design and investigations.
Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the
environment and health of others.
Demonstrating and understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognizing
that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation by taking technical, social, economic,
environmental factors into account.


Programme Characteristics
Basis of Programme Academic Structure
The programme is offered in terms of the:
Formal Technikon Instructional Programmes in the RSA – NATED Report 151 (99/01) of
Education NATED 150/151 document.
• South African Qualifications Authority Registered Qualification: National Diploma:
Engineering: Civil – SAQA 0480/09 – ID 80159
Career Orientated Academic Study
The programme is career orientated because academic study is combined with related projects
and in-service training in industry. The courses in this programme are developed co-operatively
using inputs from both academic and industrial sources on a continuous basis.
Site Visits & Practical Work
One of the objectives of the programme is to make the theory covered under the coursework
more meaningful, and therefore improve the skills of students through on-site “hands-on”
work exposure. To achieve this, practical demonstrations and site visits are arranged during
the course. This exercise has proved popular and beneficial to students as it enables the
students who participate to broaden their understanding of the various engineering fields; it
also provides students with a real “feel” of engineering.
Teaching & Learning Methodology
Learning activities are structured in a way that focuses the students learning experiences
and creates opportunity for development via feedback. Students must be prepared to work
independently using their own initiative in order to develop the ability to reason methodically
and think creatively.
Programme Information
Minimum Admission Requirements
National Senior Certificate


NSC achievement rating of at least
3 (40-49%) for English as a Home
Language or First Additional Language level
NSC Achievement rating of at least 4 (50-59%) for Mathematics (not Mathematics Literacy)
NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50-59%) for Physical Sciences.


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