how much is unisa supplementary

Miscellaneous fees

Apart from your general fees, there are various miscellaneous fees that you will encounter in the course of your studies, such as supplementary exams, remarks, exemption certificates and library cards. All miscellaneous fees are payable to Unisa and may be included with your student fees.

The following table details all these fees and indicates who they apply to:

Supplementary, special and aegrotat examinations R210.00 Per study unit
Remarking of examinations scripts R370.00 Examination scripts and closing dates for application (per examination script)
Closing dates for the receipt of applications to have examination answer scripts rechecked/remarked are as follows:

  • October/November 2015 examinations: 31 January 2016
  • January/February 2016 supplementary examinations: 30 March 2016
  • May/June 2016 examinations: 31 July 2016
Checking of marks R160.00
Purchasing of examination scripts R50.00
Issuing of complete or conditional exemption certificates by the Matriculation Board R450.00 The fees are payable before or on registration.
Dishonoured cheques R 550.00 The levy will be charged per dishonoured transaction.
Levy on students in
foreign countries
Levy per
Levy per
Students with an address or examination centre outside the RSA must pay the additional compulsory levy on registration:
A R1 040.00 R520.00 Category A: Africa
B R2 080.00 R1 040.00 Category B: Rest of the world
Students who after registration change their postal address to a foreign address or examination centre will be liable to pay the foreign levy as specified. The levy for foreign students is not transferable and also not refundable. This rule also applies to the change of address from foreign countries to South Africa.
Access card (Smart card) R45.00 Students who are liable for the Access card fees are:

  • Students who apply for a card for the first time
  • Students who previously had a card but need a new one
  • Students whose previous card is lost or damaged

Students who are in possession of a Access card and reregister do not need to apply or pay for a new card; the old card will be activated automatically.

If you indicated “yes” on the registration form with regard to the Access card, the card fees will automatically be payable upon registration as part of your minimum payment.

Amount forfeited in case of death prior to the examination period R1 340.00
Visual Art Studio fee R120.00 Per semester
R240.00 Full-year course
See also  Unisa Online Registration Guidelines