Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences Courses

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Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences Courses

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences Courses, The programmes are grouped in terms of the following categories:

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences Courses, In the tables below, all programmes listed in black are programmes that the Medunsa campus currently offers. All programmes listed in red are new programmes, i.e. programmes not currently offered on the Medunsa campus of the University of Limpopo.

Table 1: Medicine Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) (incl. ECP) 1 255 1 360
Bachelor of Radiography (Diagnosis) 91 120
Bachelor of Science Honours in Medical Sciences – various 16 110
Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences 60
Master of Medicine – MMed (in various specialisations) 293 545
Master of Science in Medical Sciences[ Where this programme already exists, enrolments should be increased.] 5
Master of Science in Medicine – MSc (Medicine) 0 20
Master of Science in Medicine – MSc (in various specialisations) 33 115
MSc (Clinical Psychology) 42 50
MSc (Counseling Psychology) 20
Doctor of Medicine (MD in General Surgery) 1 5
Doctor of Medical Science 1 5
Phd (in various specialisations) 19 30

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences Courses, The flagship programme of all fully-fledged medical schools is the MBChB, and enrolments naturally need to increase under the auspices of the new university and in order to meet the country’s demand for specialist medical practitioners. At the same time, however, the various MMed and MSc medical specialisations are prime candidates for expansion; enrolments at doctoral level should be increased to enhance the institution’s research profile; and it is proposed that new programmes in Medical Sciences (at both Bachelors and Masters levels) and in Counseling Psychology be introduced.

Table 2: Nursing Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Diploma in Nursing (240c) 25
Diploma in Occupational Health Nursing 21 41
Baccalaureus Curationis (BCur) (I et A) 212 240
Bcur – in Nursing Education, Community Health Nursing, Midwifery, Psychiatry or Health Services Administration
Bachelor of Advanced Nursing Science 31 60
Advanced Diploma in Occupational Health Nursing 0 20
Bachelor of Nursing Science Honours (in various specialisations) 9 60
Master of Nursing Science (in various specialisations) 22 35
PhD in Nursing Science 15 20

Enrolments in Nursing programmes should increase across the board, assisted by the offering of a range of new BCur specialisations also to be made available at postgraduate level. A new 240-credit Diploma in Nursing will contribute to the training of the many more mid-level workers needed.[ Additional 240c and 360c diplomas should also be considered where necessary, taking into account the revised Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework.]

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Table 3: Pharmacy Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Diploma in Pharmacy (240c) 25
Bachelor of Pharmacy 229 260
Postgraduate Diploma (Hospital Pharmacy Management) 21 30
Postgraduate Diploma (Authorised Pharmacy Prescriber) 20
Postgraduate Diploma (Pharmacovigilance) 10
Master of Pharmacy 59 40
PhD in Pharmacy 2 5

While Pharmacy programmes are currently offered on both the Turfloop and Medunsa campuses of the University of Limpopo (and, in the case of the Bachelor of Pharmacy, in collaboration with TUT), there is room at the new university for increased enrolments, particularly at the undergraduate level, and also to take advantage of the recent professional focus on Authorised Pharmacy Prescribers and Pharmacovigilance.

Table 4: Pharmacy Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (4 year) 166 180
Bachelor of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine 40
Master of Science in Physiotherapy 2 10
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation) 12 20

Physiotherapy-related programmes can be expanded and supplemented with an undergraduate focus on exercise science and sports medicine.

Table 5: Speech, Hearing and Sight Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Bachelor of Speech Language Pathology 93 40
Bachelor of Logopaedics 40
Bachelor of Audiology 80
Bachelor of Optometry 70
Master of Optometry 15
Doctor of Optometry 5

The established discipline of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology can be differentiated into separate programmes; and undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Optometry will be new additions to the Medunsa campus, having until now been offered only at the Turfloop campus of the University of Limpopo.

Table 6: Dietetics and Nutrition Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Diploma in Food Safety 25
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics 177 90
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition 90
Master of Science in Dietetics 10
Master of Science in Nutrition 10

Dietetics, another long-established set of programmes, can be differentiated and supplemented by programmes specifically focused on Nutrition, as well as a Diploma in Food Safety.

Table 7: Occupational Therapy Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 156 180
Master of Occupational Therapy 15

There should be a natural increase in the student intake into Occupational Therapy programmes.

Table 8: Public Health Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10
Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion 60
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion 10
Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Health Care 10
Postgraduate Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management 10
Master of Public Health 85 40
Master of Science in Health Promotion 40
Doctor of Public Health 18 25
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Public health, and primary health care and health promotion in particular, are crucial components of the Department of Health’s long-term strategy, and given the demand for both specialists and mid-level workers in these areas, the Medunsa campus’s existing postgraduate offerings in the field need to be increased and expanded and also supplemented with undergraduate qualifications.

Table 9: Oral Health Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Diploma in Oral Hygiene 27 40
Diploma in Dental Assistance 40
Bachelor of Dental Sciences 239 300
Bachelor of Dental Therapy 36 145
Bachelor of Oral Hygiene 60
Advanced Diploma in Community Dentistry 13 20
Postgraduate Diploma in Dentistry 12 20
Bachelor of Science Honours in Dental Sciences 1 5
Master of Dental Surgery 0 5
Master of Dentistry (MDent) (various specialisations) 10 30
Master of Science in Dentistry 21 30
PhD in Dentistry 3 5

Enrolments in Oral Health programmes should increase across the board, along with new undergraduate programmes in Dental Assistance and Oral Hygiene.

Table 10: Science Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Bachelor of Science – Chemistry, Physics (previously Physical Sciences), Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Statistics, Information Technology 604 1250
Bachelor of Science Honours (specialisations as above) 40 100
Master of Science (specialisations as above) 26 60
PhD (specialisations as above) 8 15

Given the dependence of almost all health science programmes on the basic science disciplines, the existence of science service modules and programmes on both the Turfloop and Medunsa campuses, and the already significant enrolments in these areas, it stands to reason that the science programmes should be expanded and increased, and also supplemented by programmes in information technology (which in turn will underpin some of the planned new medical technology programmes).

Table 11: Medical Technology Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics 40
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology 40
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Technology 40
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering 40

The introduction of medical technology programmes is in accordance with international trends.

Table 12: Veterinary Science Programmes 2011 Headcount 2024 Headcount
Diploma in Veterinary Nursing 18
Diploma in Veterinary Technology 18
Diploma in Animal Health (Veterinary Technicians) 50
Certificate in Animal Welfare 18
Bachelor of Animal Health (Veterinary Technicians) 120
Bachelor of Veterinary Technology 60
Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing 70
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Vet) 220
Bachelor of Animal Health Honours (Veterinary Technicians) 10
Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Honours 10
Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing Honours 10
Master of Animal Health (Veterinary Technicians) 5
Master of Veterinary Technology 5
Master of Veterinary Nursing 5
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Programmes in veterinary science are envisaged as an important component of the new health and allied sciences university. However, for various reasons related to costs (both the costs of new veterinary infrastructure and everyday operating costs) and location (such as the availability of clinical training opportunities), further discussion and investigation of possible synergies amongst all roleplayers in the veterinary field needs to take place, particularly with regard to the optimal extent (the number and kind of programmes to be offered) and level (undergraduate and/or postgraduate) of the veterinary science programmes to be offered.[ For a more detailed discussion of various options with regard to veterinary clinical training opportunities, see Section 7 below.]
Finally, the increased number of programmes in general, and the expansion or addition of certain health-related disciplines in particular (such as public health and medical technology, as well as veterinary science) will require a revised academic specialisation structure.

Table 13: Proposed Academic Organisational Structure
School of Medicine
School of Health Care Sciences
School of Oral Health Sciences
School of Pathology and Pre-Clinical Sciences
School of Science and Technology
School of Veterinary Sciences
School of Humanities

In addition to the four Schools already extant on the Medunsa campus, three additional Schools can be envisaged: a School of Veterinary Sciences, a School of Science and Technology (to accommodate the expanded basic science programmes and the medical technology programmes) and a School of Humanities (incorporating psychology, social work, language and education service or specialisation programmes).
This proposed Programme Qualification Mix, based as it is on a review of programmes offered at stand-alone health sciences universities and their comparison with programmes offered in South Africa and more specifically on the Medunsa campus, thus indicates the main areas where, in principle, the new comprehensive university incorporating the Medunsa campus could consider expanding, extending and increasing its academic offerings through various different qualification types and levels.
Notwithstanding the proposals above, the precise nature and contents of the new university’s Programme Qualification Mix and academic organisational structure should be determined by its Interim Council after further investigation and on the basis of clear and agreed upon criteria.
Moreover, any expansion or diversification of programmes to be offered and increases in student enrolments must take into account and carefully plan for the infrastructural, space and clinical training platform requirements of such expansions and increases. Additional infrastructure (both new, refurbished and better utilised) will be needed, and existing clinical training platforms will need to be expanded, improved, supplemented and better managed. The next section begins to address these elements.